Bc Cancer Agency Collective Agreement

The BC Cancer Agency Collective Agreement: Understanding Employee Rights

As an employee of the BC Cancer Agency, you have certain rights and protections under the collective agreement. This agreement, negotiated between the agency and the BC Government and Service Employees` Union, outlines the terms and conditions of employment for all unionized staff.

Here are some key aspects of the collective agreement that every BC Cancer Agency employee should know:

Wages and Benefits

The collective agreement specifies the wage rates for each job classification, as well as any annual increases or adjustments. It also outlines the benefits that employees are entitled to, such as vacation time, sick leave, and extended health and dental coverage.

Hours of Work

The agreement sets out the standard hours of work for most employees, as well as rules for overtime, scheduling, and shift premiums. It also establishes guidelines for breaks and rest periods, to ensure that all employees have adequate time to recharge and maintain their wellbeing.

Job Security and Rights

The collective agreement includes provisions that protect employees from arbitrary termination or discipline, and provide mechanisms for resolving disputes or grievances. It also outlines the rights of employees to be informed, consulted, and involved in decision-making that affects their work, such as changes to job duties, workloads, or organizational structure.

Health and Safety

The agreement reinforces the BC Cancer Agency`s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. It sets out policies and procedures for identifying and mitigating hazards, promoting wellness and mental health, and responding to workplace injuries or illnesses.

Union Rights and Representation

Finally, the collective agreement recognizes the role of the union in supporting and advocating for its members. It outlines the rights of union stewards and officials to access workplaces, represent employees in labour-management meetings, and participate in collective bargaining and dispute resolution processes.

As an employee of the BC Cancer Agency, it`s important to familiarize yourself with the collective agreement and understand your rights and obligations under this framework. By working together with your colleagues and the union, you can help to build a positive and productive workplace that benefits everyone involved.

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