South State Bank Online Banking Agreement

South State Bank Online Banking Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a South State Bank customer, you have the option of accessing your account information, transferring funds, and paying bills through online banking. Before you can start using this service, however, you need to read and agree to the South State Bank Online Banking Agreement.

What is the South State Bank Online Banking Agreement?

The Online Banking Agreement is a legal contract between you and South State Bank that outlines the terms and conditions of using the bank`s online banking service. By agreeing to the terms of the agreement, you are agreeing to follow the rules set forth by the bank when using the service.

What are some of the key provisions of the agreement?

Here are a few of the most important points to keep in mind when reviewing the Online Banking Agreement:

1. Security: South State Bank takes online security seriously and uses a variety of measures to protect your account information. You are responsible for keeping your login credentials secure and reporting any unauthorized activity immediately.

2. Access: You can access your accounts through online banking 24/7, but there may be periods of time when the service is unavailable due to maintenance or technical issues.

3. Fees: There may be fees associated with certain types of transactions, such as wire transfers or stop payments. You are responsible for reviewing the bank`s fee schedule and understanding what fees may apply to your account.

4. Liability: In the event of errors or unauthorized transactions, South State Bank will investigate and may take steps to correct the problem. However, you may be held liable for certain types of losses if you fail to follow the bank`s security protocols or report fraudulent activity in a timely manner.

5. Termination: You can terminate your online banking service at any time, but the bank may also terminate your access if you violate the terms of the agreement.

Why is it important to read and understand the Online Banking Agreement?

As with any legal contract, it`s important to read the Online Banking Agreement carefully before you agree to its terms. This will help you understand your rights and responsibilities when using the service, and can help you avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings with the bank.

In addition, if you use South State Bank`s online banking service, your use of the service is governed by the terms of the agreement. Therefore, it`s important to be aware of what you`re agreeing to before you start using the service.

Where can I find the Online Banking Agreement?

You can find the Online Banking Agreement on South State Bank`s website, or by contacting the bank directly. Make sure to review the agreement before you start using the bank`s online banking service, and contact customer service if you have any questions or concerns.

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